Use of social networking for promoting Vista

At IIM Bangalore, we pride ourselves on keeping in touch with the pulse of the world around us. Team Vista is further committed to making every effort a pioneering one. We have thus adopted social networking and the internet wholeheartedly to promote Vista. This has given us increased visibility and extensive publicity at low costs.

Thanks to the burgeoning list of virtual friends that each of us have, we have successfully reached a large set of people who we know share our interests and will be excited by Vista. Our belief has been vindicated by the flurry of mails that flood our inboxes soon after our posts on various forums. The wide variety of forums  has helped us target the entire spectrum of educational institutions and corporates. In keeping with the impatience of modern living, it is also much faster and very efficient.

The most popular promotional item has been the Vista Zoomer game, an exciting car racing game developed specially for Vista 2010-11. The link is given here:!/apps/application.php?id=151509574878276

The response to this game has been tremendous, and it tells us our strategy has been correct. Social networking is the communication tool of the new Renaissance and it is only apt that Vista 2010-11 with the theme of  ‘Scripting the Future’ has chosen to assert its presence with an internet footprint.

About iimbvista2010

IIMB's Premier Business Fest
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